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Introduce types, operators, variables, and other names and constructs.

declaration introduces a new name or construct into your program. For example, you use declarations to introduce functions and methods, to introduce variables and constants, and to define enumeration, structure, class, and protocol types. You can also use a declaration to extend the behavior of an existing named type and to import symbols into your program that are declared elsewhere.

In Swift, most declarations are also definitions in the sense that they’re implemented or initialized at the same time they’re declared. That said, because protocols don’t implement their members, most protocol members are declarations only. For convenience and because the distinction isn’t that important in Swift, the term declaration covers both declarations and definitions.

Grammar of a declaration

declaration → import-declaration
declaration → constant-declaration
declaration → variable-declaration
declaration → typealias-declaration
declaration → function-declaration
declaration → enum-declaration
declaration → struct-declaration
declaration → class-declaration
declaration → actor-declaration
declaration → protocol-declaration
declaration → initializer-declaration
declaration → deinitializer-declaration
declaration → extension-declaration
declaration → subscript-declaration
declaration → macro-declaration
declaration → operator-declaration
declaration → precedence-group-declaration \

Top-Level Code

The top-level code in a Swift source file consists of zero or more statements, declarations, and expressions. By default, variables, constants, and other named declarations that are declared at the top-level of a source file are accessible to code in every source file that’s part of the same module. You can override this default behavior by marking the declaration with an access-level modifier, as described in Access Control Levels.

There are two kinds of top-level code: top-level declarations and executable top-level code. Top-level declarations consist of only declarations, and are allowed in all Swift source files. Executable top-level code contains statements and expressions, not just declarations, and is allowed only as the top-level entry point for the program.

The Swift code you compile to make an executable can contain at most one of the following approaches to mark the top-level entry point, regardless of how the code is organized into files and modules: the main attribute, the NSApplicationMain attribute, the UIApplicationMain attribute, a main.swift file, or a file that contains top-level executable code.

Grammar of a top-level declaration

top-level-declaration → statements?

Code Blocks

code block is used by a variety of declarations and control structures to group statements together. It has the following form:


The statements inside a code block include declarations, expressions, and other kinds of statements and are executed in order of their appearance in source code.

Grammar of a code block

code-block → { statements? }

Import Declaration

An import declaration lets you access symbols that are declared outside the current file. The basic form imports the entire module; it consists of the import keyword followed by a module name:

import <#module#>

Providing more detail limits which symbols are imported — you can specify a specific submodule or a specific declaration within a module or submodule. When this detailed form is used, only the imported symbol (and not the module that declares it) is made available in the current scope.

import <#import kind#> <#module#>.<#symbol name#>
import <#module#>.<#submodule#>

Grammar of an import declaration

import-declaration → attributes? import import-kind? import-path

import-kind → typealias | struct | class | enum | protocol | let | var | func
import-path → identifier | identifier . import-path

Constant Declaration

constant declaration introduces a constant named value into your program. Constant declarations are declared using the let keyword and have the following form:

let <#constant name#>: <#type#> = <#expression#>

A constant declaration defines an immutable binding between the constant name and the value of the initializer expression; after the value of a constant is set, it can’t be changed. That said, if a constant is initialized with a class object, the object itself can change, but the binding between the constant name and the object it refers to can’t.

When a constant is declared at global scope, it must be initialized with a value. When a constant declaration occurs in the context of a function or method, it can be initialized later, as long as it’s guaranteed to have a value set before the first time its value is read. If the compiler can prove that the constant’s value is never read, the constant isn’t required to have a value set at all. This analysis is called definite initialization — the compiler proves that a value is definitely set before being read.


Definite initialization can’t construct proofs that require domain knowledge, and its ability to track state across conditionals has a limit. If you can determine that constant always has a value set, but the compiler can’t prove this is the case, try simplifying the code paths that set the value, or use a variable declaration instead.

When a constant declaration occurs in the context of a class or structure declaration, it’s considered a constant property. Constant declarations aren’t computed properties and therefore don’t have getters or setters.

If the constant name of a constant declaration is a tuple pattern, the name of each item in the tuple is bound to the corresponding value in the initializer expression.

let (firstNumber, secondNumber) = (10, 42)

In this example, firstNumber is a named constant for the value 10, and secondNumber is a named constant for the value 42. Both constants can now be used independently:

print("The first number is \(firstNumber).")
// Prints "The first number is 10."
print("The second number is \(secondNumber).")
// Prints "The second number is 42."

The type annotation (: type) is optional in a constant declaration when the type of the constant name can be inferred, as described in Type Inference.

To declare a constant type property, mark the declaration with the static declaration modifier. A constant type property of a class is always implicitly final; you can’t mark it with the class or final declaration modifier to allow or disallow overriding by subclasses. Type properties are discussed in Type Properties.

For more information about constants and for guidance about when to use them, see Constants and Variables and Stored Properties.

Grammar of a constant declaration

constant-declaration → attributes? declaration-modifiers? let pattern-initializer-list

pattern-initializer-list → pattern-initializer | pattern-initializer , pattern-initializer-list
pattern-initializer → pattern initializer?
initializer → = expression

Variable Declaration

variable declaration introduces a variable named value into your program and is declared using the var keyword.

Variable declarations have several forms that declare different kinds of named, mutable values, including stored and computed variables and properties, stored variable and property observers, and static variable properties. The appropriate form to use depends on the scope at which the variable is declared and the kind of variable you intend to declare.


You can also declare properties in the context of a protocol declaration, as described in Protocol Property Declaration.

You can override a property in a subclass by marking the subclass’s property declaration with the override declaration modifier, as described in Overriding.

Stored Variables and Stored Variable Properties

The following form declares a stored variable or stored variable property:

var <#variable name#>: <#type#> = <#expression#>

You define this form of a variable declaration at global scope, the local scope of a function, or in the context of a class or structure declaration. When a variable declaration of this form is declared at global scope or the local scope of a function, it’s referred to as a stored variable. When it’s declared in the context of a class or structure declaration, it’s referred to as a stored variable property.

The initializer expression can’t be present in a protocol declaration, but in all other contexts, the initializer expression is optional. That said, if no initializer expression is present, the variable declaration must include an explicit type annotation (: type).

As with constant declarations, if a variable declaration omits the initializer expression, the variable must have a value set before the first time it is read. Also like constant declarations, if the variable name is a tuple pattern, the name of each item in the tuple is bound to the corresponding value in the initializer expression.

As their names suggest, the value of a stored variable or a stored variable property is stored in memory.

Computed Variables and Computed Properties

The following form declares a computed variable or computed property:

var <#variable name#>: <#type#> {
   get {
   set(<#setter name#>) {

You define this form of a variable declaration at global scope, the local scope of a function, or in the context of a class, structure, enumeration, or extension declaration. When a variable declaration of this form is declared at global scope or the local scope of a function, it’s referred to as a computed variable. When it’s declared in the context of a class, structure, or extension declaration, it’s referred to as a computed property.

The getter is used to read the value, and the setter is used to write the value. The setter clause is optional, and when only a getter is needed, you can omit both clauses and simply return the requested value directly, as described in Read-Only Computed Properties. But if you provide a setter clause, you must also provide a getter clause.

The setter name and enclosing parentheses is optional. If you provide a setter name, it’s used as the name of the parameter to the setter. If you don’t provide a setter name, the default parameter name to the setter is newValue, as described in Shorthand Setter Declaration.

Unlike stored named values and stored variable properties, the value of a computed named value or a computed property isn’t stored in memory.

For more information and to see examples of computed properties, see Computed Properties.

Stored Variable Observers and Property Observers

You can also declare a stored variable or property with willSet and didSet observers. A stored variable or property declared with observers has the following form:

var <#variable name#>: <#type#> = <#expression#> {
   willSet(<#setter name#>) {
   didSet(<#setter name#>) {

You define this form of a variable declaration at global scope, the local scope of a function, or in the context of a class or structure declaration. When a variable declaration of this form is declared at global scope or the local scope of a function, the observers are referred to as stored variable observers. When it’s declared in the context of a class or structure declaration, the observers are referred to as property observers.

You can add property observers to any stored property. You can also add property observers to any inherited property (whether stored or computed) by overriding the property within a subclass, as described in Overriding Property Observers.

The initializer expression is optional in the context of a class or structure declaration, but required elsewhere. The type annotation is optional when the type can be inferred from the initializer expression. This expression is evaluated the first time you read the property’s value. If you overwrite the property’s initial value without reading it, this expression is evaluated before the first time you write to the property.

The willSet and didSet observers provide a way to observe (and to respond appropriately) when the value of a variable or property is being set. The observers aren’t called when the variable or property is first initialized. Instead, they’re called only when the value is set outside of an initialization context.

willSet observer is called just before the value of the variable or property is set. The new value is passed to the willSet observer as a constant, and therefore it can’t be changed in the implementation of the willSet clause. The didSet observer is called immediately after the new value is set. In contrast to the willSet observer, the old value of the variable or property is passed to the didSet observer in case you still need access to it. That said, if you assign a value to a variable or property within its own didSet observer clause, that new value that you assign will replace the one that was just set and passed to the willSet observer.

The setter name and enclosing parentheses in the willSet and didSet clauses are optional. If you provide setter names, they’re used as the parameter names to the willSet and didSet observers. If you don’t provide setter names, the default parameter name to the willSet observer is newValue and the default parameter name to the didSet observer is oldValue.

The didSet clause is optional when you provide a willSet clause. Likewise, the willSet clause is optional when you provide a didSet clause.

If the body of the didSet observer refers to the old value, the getter is called before the observer, to make the old value available. Otherwise, the new value is stored without calling the superclass’s getter. The example below shows a computed property that’s defined by the superclass and overridden by its subclasses to add an observer.

class Superclass {
    private var xValue = 12
    var x: Int {
        get { print("Getter was called"); return xValue }
        set { print("Setter was called"); xValue = newValue }

// This subclass doesn't refer to oldValue in its observer, so the
// superclass's getter is called only once to print the value.
class New: Superclass {
    override var x: Int {
        didSet { print("New value \(x)") }
let new = New()
new.x = 100
// Prints "Setter was called"
// Prints "Getter was called"
// Prints "New value 100"

// This subclass refers to oldValue in its observer, so the superclass's
// getter is called once before the setter, and again to print the value.
class NewAndOld: Superclass {
    override var x: Int {
        didSet { print("Old value \(oldValue) - new value \(x)") }
let newAndOld = NewAndOld()
newAndOld.x = 200
// Prints "Getter was called"
// Prints "Setter was called"
// Prints "Getter was called"
// Prints "Old value 12 - new value 200"

For more information and to see an example of how to use property observers, see Property Observers.

Type Variable Properties

To declare a type variable property, mark the declaration with the static declaration modifier. Classes can mark type computed properties with the class declaration modifier instead to allow subclasses to override the superclass’s implementation. Type properties are discussed in Type Properties.

Grammar of a variable declaration

variable-declaration → variable-declaration-head pattern-initializer-list
variable-declaration → variable-declaration-head variable-name type-annotation code-block
variable-declaration → variable-declaration-head variable-name type-annotation getter-setter-block
variable-declaration → variable-declaration-head variable-name type-annotation getter-setter-keyword-block
variable-declaration → variable-declaration-head variable-name initializer willSet-didSet-block
variable-declaration → variable-declaration-head variable-name type-annotation initializer? willSet-didSet-block

variable-declaration-head → attributes? declaration-modifiers? var
variable-name → identifier

getter-setter-block → code-block
getter-setter-block → { getter-clause setter-clause? }
getter-setter-block → { setter-clause getter-clause }
getter-clause → attributes? mutation-modifier? get code-block
setter-clause → attributes? mutation-modifier? set setter-name? code-block
setter-name → ( identifier )

getter-setter-keyword-block → { getter-keyword-clause setter-keyword-clause? }
getter-setter-keyword-block → { setter-keyword-clause getter-keyword-clause }
getter-keyword-clause → attributes? mutation-modifier? get
setter-keyword-clause → attributes? mutation-modifier? set

willSet-didSet-block → { willSet-clause didSet-clause? }
willSet-didSet-block → { didSet-clause willSet-clause? }
willSet-clause → attributes? willSet setter-name? code-block
didSet-clause → attributes? didSet setter-name? code-block

Type Alias Declaration

type alias declaration introduces a named alias of an existing type into your program. Type alias declarations are declared using the typealias keyword and have the following form:

typealias <#name#> = <#existing type#>

After a type alias is declared, the aliased name can be used instead of the existing type everywhere in your program. The existing type can be a named type or a compound type. Type aliases don’t create new types; they simply allow a name to refer to an existing type.

A type alias declaration can use generic parameters to give a name to an existing generic type. The type alias can provide concrete types for some or all of the generic parameters of the existing type. For example:

typealias StringDictionary<Value> = Dictionary<String, Value>

// The following dictionaries have the same type.
var dictionary1: StringDictionary<Int> = [:]
var dictionary2: Dictionary<String, Int> = [:]

When a type alias is declared with generic parameters, the constraints on those parameters must match exactly the constraints on the existing type’s generic parameters. For example:

typealias DictionaryOfInts<Key: Hashable> = Dictionary<Key, Int>

Because the type alias and the existing type can be used interchangeably, the type alias can’t introduce additional generic constraints.

A type alias can forward an existing type’s generic parameters by omitting all generic parameters from the declaration. For example, the Diccionario type alias declared here has the same generic parameters and constraints as Dictionary.

typealias Diccionario = Dictionary

Inside a protocol declaration, a type alias can give a shorter and more convenient name to a type that’s used frequently. For example:

protocol Sequence {
    associatedtype Iterator: IteratorProtocol
    typealias Element = Iterator.Element

func sum<T: Sequence>(_ sequence: T) -> Int where T.Element == Int {
    // ...

Without this type alias, the sum function would have to refer to the associated type as T.Iterator.Element instead of T.Element.

See also Protocol Associated Type Declaration.

Grammar of a type alias declaration

typealias-declaration → attributes? access-level-modifier? typealias typealias-name generic-parameter-clause? typealias-assignment
typealias-name → identifier
typealias-assignment → = type

Function Declaration

function declaration introduces a function or method into your program. A function declared in the context of class, structure, enumeration, or protocol is referred to as a method. Function declarations are declared using the func keyword and have the following form:

func <#function name#>(<#parameters#>) -> <#return type#> {

If the function has a return type of Void, the return type can be omitted as follows:

func <#function name#>(<#parameters#>) {

The type of each parameter must be included — it can’t be inferred. If you write inout in front of a parameter’s type, the parameter can be modified inside the scope of the function. In-out parameters are discussed in detail in In-Out Parameters, below.

A function declaration whose statements include only a single expression is understood to return the value of that expression. This implicit return syntax is considered only when the expression’s type and the function’s return type aren’t Void and aren’t an enumeration like Never that doesn’t have any cases.

Functions can return multiple values using a tuple type as the return type of the function.

A function definition can appear inside another function declaration. This kind of function is known as a nested function.

A nested function is nonescaping if it captures a value that’s guaranteed to never escape — such as an in-out parameter — or passed as a nonescaping function argument. Otherwise, the nested function is an escaping function.

For a discussion of nested functions, see Nested Functions.

Parameter Names

Function parameters are a comma-separated list where each parameter has one of several forms. The order of arguments in a function call must match the order of parameters in the function’s declaration. The simplest entry in a parameter list has the following form:

<#parameter name#>: <#parameter type#>

A parameter has a name, which is used within the function body, as well as an argument label, which is used when calling the function or method. By default, parameter names are also used as argument labels. For example:

func f(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int { return x + y }
f(x: 1, y: 2) // both x and y are labeled

You can override the default behavior for argument labels with one of the following forms:

<#argument label#> <#parameter name#>: <#parameter type#>
_ <#parameter name#>: <#parameter type#>

A name before the parameter name gives the parameter an explicit argument label, which can be different from the parameter name. The corresponding argument must use the given argument label in function or method calls.

An underscore (_) before a parameter name suppresses the argument label. The corresponding argument must have no label in function or method calls.

func repeatGreeting(_ greeting: String, count n: Int) { /* Greet n times */ }
repeatGreeting("Hello, world!", count: 2) //  count is labeled, greeting is not

Parameter Modifiers

parameter modifier changes how an argument is passed to the function.

<#argument label#> <#parameter name#>: <#parameter modifier#> <#parameter type#>

To use a parameter modifier, write inoutborrowing, or consuming before the argument’s type.

func someFunction(a: inout A, b: consuming B, c: C) { ... }

In-Out Parameters

By default, function arguments in Swift are passed by value: Any changes made within the function are not visible in the caller. To make an in-out parameter instead, you apply the inout parameter modifier.

func someFunction(a: inout Int) {
    a += 1

When calling a function that includes in-out parameters, the in-out argument must be prefixed with an ampersand (&) to mark that the function call can change the argument’s value.

var x = 7
print(x)  // Prints "8"

In-out parameters are passed as follows:

  • When the function is called, the value of the argument is copied.
  • In the body of the function, the copy is modified.
  • When the function returns, the copy’s value is assigned to the original argument.

This behavior is known as copy-in copy-out or call by value result. For example, when a computed property or a property with observers is passed as an in-out parameter, its getter is called as part of the function call and its setter is called as part of the function return.

As an optimization, when the argument is a value stored at a physical address in memory, the same memory location is used both inside and outside the function body. The optimized behavior is known as call by reference; it satisfies all of the requirements of the copy-in copy-out model while removing the overhead of copying. Write your code using the model given by copy-in copy-out, without depending on the call-by-reference optimization, so that it behaves correctly with or without the optimization.

Within a function, don’t access a value that was passed as an in-out argument, even if the original value is available in the current scope. Accessing the original is a simultaneous access of the value, which violates memory exclusivity.

var someValue: Int
func someFunction(a: inout Int) {
    a += someValue

// Error: This causes a runtime exclusivity violation

For the same reason, you can’t pass the same value to multiple in-out parameters.

var someValue: Int
func someFunction(a: inout Int, b: inout Int) {
    a += b
    b += 1

// Error: Cannot pass the same value to multiple in-out parameters
someFunction(&someValue, &someValue)

For more information about memory safety and memory exclusivity, see Memory Safety.

A closure or nested function that captures an in-out parameter must be nonescaping. If you need to capture an in-out parameter without mutating it, use a capture list to explicitly capture the parameter immutably.

func someFunction(a: inout Int) -> () -> Int {
    return { [a] in return a + 1 }

If you need to capture and mutate an in-out parameter, use an explicit local copy, such as in multithreaded code that ensures all mutation has finished before the function returns.

func multithreadedFunction(queue: DispatchQueue, x: inout Int) {
    // Make a local copy and manually copy it back.
    var localX = x
    defer { x = localX }

    // Operate on localX asynchronously, then wait before returning.
    queue.async { someMutatingOperation(&localX) }
    queue.sync {}

For more discussion and examples of in-out parameters, see In-Out Parameters.

Borrowing and Consuming Parameters

By default, Swift uses a set of rules to automatically manage object lifetime across function calls, copying values when required. The default rules are designed to minimize overhead in most cases — if you want more specific control, you can apply the borrowing or consuming parameter modifier. In this case, use copy to explicitly mark copy operations.

Regardless of whether you use the default rules, Swift guarantees that object lifetime and ownership are correctly managed in all cases. These parameter modifiers impact only the relative efficiency of particular usage patterns, not correctness.

The borrowing modifier indicates that the function does not keep the parameter’s value. In this case, the caller maintains ownership of the object and the responsibility for the object’s lifetime. Using borrowing minimizes overhead when the function uses the object only transiently.

// `isLessThan` does not keep either argument
func isLessThan(lhs: borrowing A, rhs: borrowing A) -> Bool {

If the function needs to keep the parameter’s value for example, by storing it in a global variable — you use copy to explicitly copy that value.

// As above, but this `isLessThan` also wants to record the smallest value
func isLessThan(lhs: borrowing A, rhs: borrowing A) -> Bool {
    if lhs < storedValue {
        storedValue = copy lhs
    } else if rhs < storedValue {
        storedValue = copy rhs
    return lhs < rhs

Conversely, the consuming parameter modifier indicates that the function takes ownership of the value, accepting responsibility for either storing or destroying it before the function returns.

// `store` keeps its argument, so mark it `consuming`
func store(a: consuming A) {
    someGlobalVariable = a

Using consuming minimizes overhead when the caller no longer needs to use the object after the function call.

// Usually, this is the last thing you do with a value
store(a: value)

If you keep using a copyable object after the function call, the compiler automatically makes a copy of that object before the function call.

// The compiler inserts an implicit copy here
store(a: someValue)  // This function consumes someValue
print(someValue)  // This uses the copy of someValue

Unlike inout, neither borrowing nor consuming parameters require any special notation when you call the function:

func someFunction(a: borrowing A, b: consuming B) { ... }

someFunction(a: someA, b: someB)

The explicit use of either borrowing or consuming indicates your intention to more tightly control the overhead of runtime ownership management. Because copies can cause unexpected runtime ownership operations, parameters marked with either of these modifiers cannot be copied unless you use an explicit copy keyword:

func borrowingFunction1(a: borrowing A) {
    // Error: Cannot implicitly copy a
    // This assignment requires a copy because
    // `a` is only borrowed from the caller.
    someGlobalVariable = a

func borrowingFunction2(a: borrowing A) {
    // OK: Explicit copying works
    someGlobalVariable = copy a

func consumingFunction1(a: consuming A) {
    // Error: Cannot implicitly copy a
    // This assignment requires a copy because
    // of the following `print`
    someGlobalVariable = a

func consumingFunction2(a: consuming A) {
    // OK: Explicit copying works regardless
    someGlobalVariable = copy a

func consumingFunction3(a: consuming A) {
    // OK: No copy needed here because this is the last use
    someGlobalVariable = a

Special Kinds of Parameters

Parameters can be ignored, take a variable number of values, and provide default values using the following forms:

_ : <#parameter type#>
<#parameter name#>: <#parameter type#>...
<#parameter name#>: <#parameter type#> = <#default argument value#>

An underscore (_) parameter is explicitly ignored and can’t be accessed within the body of the function.

A parameter with a base type name followed immediately by three dots (...) is understood as a variadic parameter. A parameter that immediately follows a variadic parameter must have an argument label. A function can have multiple variadic parameters. A variadic parameter is treated as an array that contains elements of the base type name. For example, the variadic parameter Int... is treated as [Int]. For an example that uses a variadic parameter, see Variadic Parameters.

A parameter with an equal sign (=) and an expression after its type is understood to have a default value of the given expression. The given expression is evaluated when the function is called. If the parameter is omitted when calling the function, the default value is used instead.

func f(x: Int = 42) -> Int { return x }
f()       // Valid, uses default value
f(x: 7)   // Valid, uses the value provided
f(7)      // Invalid, missing argument label

Special Kinds of Methods

Methods on an enumeration or a structure that modify self must be marked with the mutating declaration modifier.

Methods that override a superclass method must be marked with the override declaration modifier. It’s a compile-time error to override a method without the override modifier or to use the override modifier on a method that doesn’t override a superclass method.

Methods associated with a type rather than an instance of a type must be marked with the static declaration modifier for enumerations and structures, or with either the static or class declaration modifier for classes. A class type method marked with the class declaration modifier can be overridden by a subclass implementation; a class type method marked with class final or static can’t be overridden.

Methods with Special Names

Several methods that have special names enable syntactic sugar for function call syntax. If a type defines one of these methods, instances of the type can be used in function call syntax. The function call is understood to be a call to one of the specially named methods on that instance.

A class, structure, or enumeration type can support function call syntax by defining a dynamicallyCall(withArguments:) method or a dynamicallyCall(withKeywordArguments:) method, as described in dynamicCallable, or by defining a call-as-function method, as described below. If the type defines both a call-as-function method and one of the methods used by the dynamicCallable attribute, the compiler gives preference to the call-as-function method in circumstances where either method could be used.

The name of a call-as-function method is callAsFunction(), or another name that begins with callAsFunction( and adds labeled or unlabeled arguments — for example, callAsFunction(_:_:) and callAsFunction(something:) are also valid call-as-function method names.

The following function calls are equivalent:

struct CallableStruct {
    var value: Int
    func callAsFunction(_ number: Int, scale: Int) {
        print(scale * (number + value))
let callable = CallableStruct(value: 100)
callable(4, scale: 2)
callable.callAsFunction(4, scale: 2)
// Both function calls print 208.

The call-as-function methods and the methods from the dynamicCallable attribute make different trade-offs between how much information you encode into the type system and how much dynamic behavior is possible at runtime. When you declare a call-as-function method, you specify the number of arguments, and each argument’s type and label. The dynamicCallable attribute’s methods specify only the type used to hold the array of arguments.

Defining a call-as-function method, or a method from the dynamicCallable attribute, doesn’t let you use an instance of that type as if it were a function in any context other than a function call expression. For example:

let someFunction1: (Int, Int) -> Void = callable(_:scale:)  // Error
let someFunction2: (Int, Int) -> Void = callable.callAsFunction(_:scale:)

The subscript(dynamicMember:) subscript enables syntactic sugar for member lookup, as described in dynamicMemberLookup.

Throwing Functions and Methods

Functions and methods that can throw an error must be marked with the throws keyword. These functions and methods are known as throwing functions and throwing methods. They have the following form:

func <#function name#>(<#parameters#>) throws -> <#return type#> {

Calls to a throwing function or method must be wrapped in a try or try! expression (that is, in the scope of a try or try! operator).

The throws keyword is part of a function’s type, and nonthrowing functions are subtypes of throwing functions. As a result, you can use a nonthrowing function in a context where a throwing one is expected.

You can’t overload a function based only on whether the function can throw an error. That said, you can overload a function based on whether a function parameter can throw an error.

A throwing method can’t override a nonthrowing method, and a throwing method can’t satisfy a protocol requirement for a nonthrowing method. That said, a nonthrowing method can override a throwing method, and a nonthrowing method can satisfy a protocol requirement for a throwing method.

Rethrowing Functions and Methods

A function or method can be declared with the rethrows keyword to indicate that it throws an error only if one of its function parameters throws an error. These functions and methods are known as rethrowing functions and rethrowing methods. Rethrowing functions and methods must have at least one throwing function parameter.

func someFunction(callback: () throws -> Void) rethrows {
    try callback()

A rethrowing function or method can contain a throw statement only inside a catch clause. This lets you call the throwing function inside a docatch statement and handle errors in the catch clause by throwing a different error. In addition, the catch clause must handle only errors thrown by one of the rethrowing function’s throwing parameters. For example, the following is invalid because the catch clause would handle the error thrown by alwaysThrows().

func alwaysThrows() throws {
    throw SomeError.error
func someFunction(callback: () throws -> Void) rethrows {
    do {
        try callback()
        try alwaysThrows()  // Invalid, alwaysThrows() isn't a throwing parameter
    } catch {
        throw AnotherError.error

A throwing method can’t override a rethrowing method, and a throwing method can’t satisfy a protocol requirement for a rethrowing method. That said, a rethrowing method can override a throwing method, and a rethrowing method can satisfy a protocol requirement for a throwing method.

Asynchronous Functions and Methods

Functions and methods that run asynchronously must be marked with the async keyword. These functions and methods are known as asynchronous functions and asynchronous methods. They have the following form:

func <#function name#>(<#parameters#>) async -> <#return type#> {

Calls to an asynchronous function or method must be wrapped in an await expression — that is, they must be in the scope of an await operator.

The async keyword is part of the function’s type, and synchronous functions are subtypes of asynchronous functions. As a result, you can use a synchronous function in a context where an asynchronous function is expected. For example, you can override an asynchronous method with a synchronous method, and a synchronous method can satisfy a protocol requirement that requires an asynchronous method.

You can overload a function based on whether or not the function is asynchronous. At the call site, context determines which overload is used: In an asynchronous context, the asynchronous function is used, and in a synchronous context, the synchronous function is used.

An asynchronous method can’t override a synchronous method, and an asynchronous method can’t satisfy a protocol requirement for a synchronous method. That said, a synchronous method can override an asynchronous method, and a synchronous method can satisfy a protocol requirement for an asynchronous method.

Functions that Never Return

Swift defines a Never( type, which indicates that a function or method doesn’t return to its caller. Functions and methods with the Never return type are called nonreturning. Nonreturning functions and methods either cause an irrecoverable error or begin a sequence of work that continues indefinitely. This means that code that would otherwise run immediately after the call is never executed. Throwing and rethrowing functions can transfer program control to an appropriate catch block, even when they’re nonreturning.

A nonreturning function or method can be called to conclude the else clause of a guard statement, as discussed in Guard Statement.

You can override a nonreturning method, but the new method must preserve its return type and nonreturning behavior.

Grammar of a function declaration

function-declaration → function-head function-name generic-parameter-clause? function-signature generic-where-clause? function-body?

function-head → attributes? declaration-modifiers? func
function-name → identifier | operator

function-signature → parameter-clause async? throws? function-result?
function-signature → parameter-clause async? rethrows function-result?
function-result → -> attributes? type
function-body → code-block

parameter-clause → ( ) | ( parameter-list )
parameter-list → parameter | parameter , parameter-list
parameter → external-parameter-name? local-parameter-name parameter-type-annotation default-argument-clause?
parameter → external-parameter-name? local-parameter-name parameter-type-annotation
parameter → external-parameter-name? local-parameter-name parameter-type-annotation ...

external-parameter-name → identifier
local-parameter-name → identifier
parameter-type-annotation → : attributes? parameter-modifier? type
parameter-modifier → inout | borrowing | consuming default-argument-clause → = expression

Enumeration Declaration

An enumeration declaration introduces a named enumeration type into your program.

Enumeration declarations have two basic forms and are declared using the enum keyword. The body of an enumeration declared using either form contains zero or more values — called enumeration cases — and any number of declarations, including computed properties, instance methods, type methods, initializers, type aliases, and even other enumeration, structure, class, and actor declarations. Enumeration declarations can’t contain deinitializer or protocol declarations.

Enumeration types can adopt any number of protocols, but can’t inherit from classes, structures, or other enumerations.

Unlike classes and structures, enumeration types don’t have an implicitly provided default initializer; all initializers must be declared explicitly. Initializers can delegate to other initializers in the enumeration, but the initialization process is complete only after an initializer assigns one of the enumeration cases to self.

Like structures but unlike classes, enumerations are value types; instances of an enumeration are copied when assigned to variables or constants, or when passed as arguments to a function call. For information about value types, see Structures and Enumerations Are Value Types.

You can extend the behavior of an enumeration type with an extension declaration, as discussed in Extension Declaration.

Enumerations with Cases of Any Type

The following form declares an enumeration type that contains enumeration cases of any type:

enum <#enumeration name#>: <#adopted protocols#> {
    case <#enumeration case 1#>
    case <#enumeration case 2#>(<#associated value types#>)

Enumerations declared in this form are sometimes called discriminated unions in other programming languages.

In this form, each case block consists of the case keyword followed by one or more enumeration cases, separated by commas. The name of each case must be unique. Each case can also specify that it stores values of a given type. These types are specified in the associated value types tuple, immediately following the name of the case.

Enumeration cases that store associated values can be used as functions that create instances of the enumeration with the specified associated values. And just like functions, you can get a reference to an enumeration case and apply it later in your code.

enum Number {
    case integer(Int)
    case real(Double)
let f = Number.integer
// f is a function of type (Int) -> Number

// Apply f to create an array of Number instances with integer values
let evenInts: [Number] = [0, 2, 4, 6].map(f)

For more information and to see examples of cases with associated value types, see Associated Values.

Enumerations with Indirection

Enumerations can have a recursive structure, that is, they can have cases with associated values that are instances of the enumeration type itself. However, instances of enumeration types have value semantics, which means they have a fixed layout in memory. To support recursion, the compiler must insert a layer of indirection.

To enable indirection for a particular enumeration case, mark it with the indirect declaration modifier. An indirect case must have an associated value.

enum Tree<T> {
    case empty
    indirect case node(value: T, left: Tree, right: Tree)

To enable indirection for all the cases of an enumeration that have an associated value, mark the entire enumeration with the indirect modifier — this is convenient when the enumeration contains many cases that would each need to be marked with the indirect modifier.

An enumeration that’s marked with the indirect modifier can contain a mixture of cases that have associated values and cases those that don’t. That said, it can’t contain any cases that are also marked with the indirect modifier.

Enumerations with Cases of a Raw-Value Type

The following form declares an enumeration type that contains enumeration cases of the same basic type:

enum <#enumeration name#>: <#raw-value type#>, <#adopted protocols#> {
    case <#enumeration case 1#> = <#raw value 1#>
    case <#enumeration case 2#> = <#raw value 2#>

In this form, each case block consists of the case keyword, followed by one or more enumeration cases, separated by commas. Unlike the cases in the first form, each case has an underlying value, called a raw value, of the same basic type. The type of these values is specified in the raw-value type and must represent an integer, floating-point number, string, or single character. In particular, the raw-value type must conform to the Equatable protocol and one of the following protocols: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral for integer literals, ExpressibleByFloatLiteral for floating-point literals, ExpressibleByStringLiteral for string literals that contain any number of characters, and ExpressibleByUnicodeScalarLiteral or ExpressibleByExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral for string literals that contain only a single character. Each case must have a unique name and be assigned a unique raw value.

If the raw-value type is specified as Int and you don’t assign a value to the cases explicitly, they’re implicitly assigned the values 012, and so on. Each unassigned case of type Int is implicitly assigned a raw value that’s automatically incremented from the raw value of the previous case.

enum ExampleEnum: Int {
    case a, b, c = 5, d

In the above example, the raw value of ExampleEnum.a is 0 and the value of ExampleEnum.b is 1. And because the value of ExampleEnum.c is explicitly set to 5, the value of ExampleEnum.d is automatically incremented from 5 and is therefore 6.

If the raw-value type is specified as String and you don’t assign values to the cases explicitly, each unassigned case is implicitly assigned a string with the same text as the name of that case.

enum GamePlayMode: String {
    case cooperative, individual, competitive

In the above example, the raw value of GamePlayMode.cooperative is "cooperative", the raw value of GamePlayMode.individual is "individual", and the raw value of GamePlayMode.competitive is "competitive".

Enumerations that have cases of a raw-value type implicitly conform to the RawRepresentable protocol, defined in the Swift standard library. As a result, they have a rawValue property and a failable initializer with the signature init?(rawValue: RawValue). You can use the rawValue property to access the raw value of an enumeration case, as in ExampleEnum.b.rawValue. You can also use a raw value to find a corresponding case, if there is one, by calling the enumeration’s failable initializer, as in ExampleEnum(rawValue: 5), which returns an optional case. For more information and to see examples of cases with raw-value types, see Raw Values.

Accessing Enumeration Cases

To reference the case of an enumeration type, use dot (.) syntax, as in EnumerationType.enumerationCase. When the enumeration type can be inferred from context, you can omit it (the dot is still required), as described in Enumeration Syntax and Implicit Member Expression.

To check the values of enumeration cases, use a switch statement, as shown in Matching Enumeration Values with a Switch Statement. The enumeration type is pattern-matched against the enumeration case patterns in the case blocks of the switch statement, as described in Enumeration Case Pattern.

Grammar of an enumeration declaration

enum-declaration → attributes? access-level-modifier? union-style-enum
enum-declaration → attributes? access-level-modifier? raw-value-style-enum

union-style-enum → indirect? enum enum-name generic-parameter-clause? type-inheritance-clause? generic-where-clause? { union-style-enum-members? }
union-style-enum-members → union-style-enum-member union-style-enum-members?
union-style-enum-member → declaration | union-style-enum-case-clause | compiler-control-statement
union-style-enum-case-clause → attributes? indirect? case union-style-enum-case-list
union-style-enum-case-list → union-style-enum-case | union-style-enum-case , union-style-enum-case-list
union-style-enum-case → enum-case-name tuple-type?
enum-name → identifier
enum-case-name → identifier

raw-value-style-enum → enum enum-name generic-parameter-clause? type-inheritance-clause generic-where-clause? { raw-value-style-enum-members }
raw-value-style-enum-members → raw-value-style-enum-member raw-value-style-enum-members?
raw-value-style-enum-member → declaration | raw-value-style-enum-case-clause | compiler-control-statement
raw-value-style-enum-case-clause → attributes? case raw-value-style-enum-case-list
raw-value-style-enum-case-list → raw-value-style-enum-case | raw-value-style-enum-case , raw-value-style-enum-case-list
raw-value-style-enum-case → enum-case-name raw-value-assignment?
raw-value-assignment → = raw-value-literal
raw-value-literal → numeric-literal | static-string-literal | boolean-literal

Structure Declaration

structure declaration introduces a named structure type into your program. Structure declarations are declared using the struct keyword and have the following form:

struct <#structure name#>: <#adopted protocols#> {

The body of a structure contains zero or more declarations. These declarations can include both stored and computed properties, type properties, instance methods, type methods, initializers, subscripts, type aliases, and even other structure, class, actor, and enumeration declarations. Structure declarations can’t contain deinitializer or protocol declarations. For a discussion and several examples of structures that include various kinds of declarations, see Structures and Classes.

Structure types can adopt any number of protocols, but can’t inherit from classes, enumerations, or other structures.

There are three ways to create an instance of a previously declared structure:

  • Call one of the initializers declared within the structure, as described in Initializers.
  • If no initializers are declared, call the structure’s memberwise initializer, as described in Memberwise Initializers for Structure Types.
  • If no initializers are declared, and all properties of the structure declaration were given initial values, call the structure’s default initializer, as described in Default Initializers.

The process of initializing a structure’s declared properties is described in Initialization.

Properties of a structure instance can be accessed using dot (.) syntax, as described in Accessing Properties.

Structures are value types; instances of a structure are copied when assigned to variables or constants, or when passed as arguments to a function call. For information about value types, see Structures and Enumerations Are Value Types.

You can extend the behavior of a structure type with an extension declaration, as discussed in Extension Declaration.

Grammar of a structure declaration

struct-declaration → attributes? access-level-modifier? struct struct-name generic-parameter-clause? type-inheritance-clause? generic-where-clause? struct-body
struct-name → identifier
struct-body → { struct-members? }

struct-members → struct-member struct-members?
struct-member → declaration | compiler-control-statement

Class Declaration

class declaration introduces a named class type into your program. Class declarations are declared using the class keyword and have the following form:

class <#class name#>: <#superclass#>, <#adopted protocols#> {

The body of a class contains zero or more declarations. These declarations can include both stored and computed properties, instance methods, type methods, initializers, a single deinitializer, subscripts, type aliases, and even other class, structure, actor, and enumeration declarations. Class declarations can’t contain protocol declarations. For a discussion and several examples of classes that include various kinds of declarations, see Structures and Classes.

A class type can inherit from only one parent class, its superclass, but can adopt any number of protocols. The superclass appears first after the class name and colon, followed by any adopted protocols. Generic classes can inherit from other generic and nongeneric classes, but a nongeneric class can inherit only from other nongeneric classes. When you write the name of a generic superclass class after the colon, you must include the full name of that generic class, including its generic parameter clause.

As discussed in Initializer Declaration, classes can have designated and convenience initializers. The designated initializer of a class must initialize all of the class’s declared properties and it must do so before calling any of its superclass’s designated initializers.

A class can override properties, methods, subscripts, and initializers of its superclass. Overridden properties, methods, subscripts, and designated initializers must be marked with the override declaration modifier.

To require that subclasses implement a superclass’s initializer, mark the superclass’s initializer with the required declaration modifier. The subclass’s implementation of that initializer must also be marked with the required declaration modifier.

Although properties and methods declared in the superclass are inherited by the current class, designated initializers declared in the superclass are only inherited when the subclass meets the conditions described in Automatic Initializer Inheritance. Swift classes don’t inherit from a universal base class.

There are two ways to create an instance of a previously declared class:

  • Call one of the initializers declared within the class, as described in Initializers.
  • If no initializers are declared, and all properties of the class declaration were given initial values, call the class’s default initializer, as described in Default Initializers.

Access properties of a class instance with dot (.) syntax, as described in Accessing Properties.

Classes are reference types; instances of a class are referred to, rather than copied, when assigned to variables or constants, or when passed as arguments to a function call. For information about reference types, see Classes Are Reference Types.

You can extend the behavior of a class type with an extension declaration, as discussed in Extension Declaration.

Grammar of a class declaration

class-declaration → attributes? access-level-modifier? final? class class-name generic-parameter-clause? type-inheritance-clause? generic-where-clause? class-body
class-declaration → attributes? final access-level-modifier? class class-name generic-parameter-clause? type-inheritance-clause? generic-where-clause? class-body
class-name → identifier
class-body → { class-members? }

class-members → class-member class-members?
class-member → declaration | compiler-control-statement

Actor Declaration

An actor declaration introduces a named actor type into your program. Actor declarations are declared using the actor keyword and have the following form:

actor <#actor name#>: <#adopted protocols#> {

The body of an actor contains zero or more declarations. These declarations can include both stored and computed properties, instance methods, type methods, initializers, a single deinitializer, subscripts, type aliases, and even other class, structure, and enumeration declarations. For a discussion and several examples of actors that include various kinds of declarations, see Actors.

Actor types can adopt any number of protocols, but can’t inherit from classes, enumerations, structures, or other actors. However, an actor that is marked with the @objc attribute implicitly conforms to the NSObjectProtocol protocol and is exposed to the Objective-C runtime as a subtype of NSObject.

There are two ways to create an instance of a previously declared actor:

  • Call one of the initializers declared within the actor, as described in Initializers.
  • If no initializers are declared, and all properties of the actor declaration were given initial values, call the actor’s default initializer, as described in Default Initializers.

By default, members of an actor are isolated to that actor. Code, such as the body of a method or the getter for a property, is executed on that actor. Code within the actor can interact with them synchronously because that code is already running on the same actor, but code outside the actor must mark them with await to indicate that this code is asynchronously running code on another actor. Key paths can’t refer to isolated members of an actor. Actor-isolated stored properties can be passed as in-out parameters to synchronous functions, but not to asynchronous functions.

Actors can also have nonisolated members, whose declarations are marked with the nonisolated keyword. A nonisolated member executes like code outside of the actor: It can’t interact with any of the actor’s isolated state, and callers don’t mark it with await when using it.

Members of an actor can be marked with the @objc attribute only if they are nonisolated or asynchronous.

The process of initializing an actor’s declared properties is described in Initialization.

Properties of an actor instance can be accessed using dot (.) syntax, as described in Accessing Properties.

Actors are reference types; instances of an actor are referred to, rather than copied, when assigned to variables or constants, or when passed as arguments to a function call. For information about reference types, see Classes Are Reference Types.

You can extend the behavior of an actor type with an extension declaration, as discussed in Extension Declaration.

Grammar of an actor declaration

actor-declaration → attributes? access-level-modifier? actor actor-name generic-parameter-clause? type-inheritance-clause? generic-where-clause? actor-body
actor-name → identifier
actor-body → { actor-members? }

actor-members → actor-member actor-members?
actor-member → declaration | compiler-control-statement

Protocol Declaration

protocol declaration introduces a named protocol type into your program. Protocol declarations are declared at global scope using the protocol keyword and have the following form:

protocol <#protocol name#>: <#inherited protocols#> {
   <#protocol member declarations#>

The body of a protocol contains zero or more protocol member declarations, which describe the conformance requirements that any type adopting the protocol must fulfill. In particular, a protocol can declare that conforming types must implement certain properties, methods, initializers, and subscripts. Protocols can also declare special kinds of type aliases, called associated types, that can specify relationships among the various declarations of the protocol. Protocol declarations can’t contain class, structure, enumeration, or other protocol declarations. The protocol member declarations are discussed in detail below.

Protocol types can inherit from any number of other protocols. When a protocol type inherits from other protocols, the set of requirements from those other protocols are aggregated, and any type that inherits from the current protocol must conform to all those requirements. For an example of how to use protocol inheritance, see Protocol Inheritance.


You can also aggregate the conformance requirements of multiple protocols using protocol composition types, as described in Protocol Composition Type and Protocol Composition.

You can add protocol conformance to a previously declared type by adopting the protocol in an extension declaration of that type. In the extension, you must implement all of the adopted protocol’s requirements. If the type already implements all of the requirements, you can leave the body of the extension declaration empty.

By default, types that conform to a protocol must implement all properties, methods, and subscripts declared in the protocol. That said, you can mark these protocol member declarations with the optional declaration modifier to specify that their implementation by a conforming type is optional. The optional modifier can be applied only to members that are marked with the objc attribute, and only to members of protocols that are marked with the objc attribute. As a result, only class types can adopt and conform to a protocol that contains optional member requirements. For more information about how to use the optional declaration modifier and for guidance about how to access optional protocol members — for example, when you’re not sure whether a conforming type implements them — see Optional Protocol Requirements.

The cases of an enumeration can satisfy protocol requirements for type members. Specifically, an enumeration case without any associated values satisfies a protocol requirement for a get-only type variable of type Self, and an enumeration case with associated values satisfies a protocol requirement for a function that returns Self whose parameters and their argument labels match the case’s associated values. For example:

protocol SomeProtocol {
    static var someValue: Self { get }
    static func someFunction(x: Int) -> Self
enum MyEnum: SomeProtocol {
    case someValue
    case someFunction(x: Int)

To restrict the adoption of a protocol to class types only, include the AnyObject protocol in the inherited protocols list after the colon. For example, the following protocol can be adopted only by class types:

protocol SomeProtocol: AnyObject {
    /* Protocol members go here */

Any protocol that inherits from a protocol that’s marked with the AnyObject requirement can likewise be adopted only by class types.


If a protocol is marked with the objc attribute, the AnyObject requirement is implicitly applied to that protocol; there’s no need to mark the protocol with the AnyObject requirement explicitly.

Protocols are named types, and thus they can appear in all the same places in your code as other named types, as discussed in Protocols as Types. However, you can’t construct an instance of a protocol, because protocols don’t actually provide the implementations for the requirements they specify.

You can use protocols to declare which methods a delegate of a class or structure should implement, as described in Delegation.

Grammar of a protocol declaration

protocol-declaration → attributes? access-level-modifier? protocol protocol-name type-inheritance-clause? generic-where-clause? protocol-body
protocol-name → identifier
protocol-body → { protocol-members? }

protocol-members → protocol-member protocol-members?
protocol-member → protocol-member-declaration | compiler-control-statement

protocol-member-declaration → protocol-property-declaration
protocol-member-declaration → protocol-method-declaration
protocol-member-declaration → protocol-initializer-declaration
protocol-member-declaration → protocol-subscript-declaration
protocol-member-declaration → protocol-associated-type-declaration
protocol-member-declaration → typealias-declaration

Protocol Property Declaration

Protocols declare that conforming types must implement a property by including a protocol property declaration in the body of the protocol declaration. Protocol property declarations have a special form of a variable declaration:

var <#property name#>: <#type#> { get set }

As with other protocol member declarations, these property declarations declare only the getter and setter requirements for types that conform to the protocol. As a result, you don’t implement the getter or setter directly in the protocol in which it’s declared.

The getter and setter requirements can be satisfied by a conforming type in a variety of ways. If a property declaration includes both the get and set keywords, a conforming type can implement it with a stored variable property or a computed property that’s both readable and writeable (that is, one that implements both a getter and a setter). However, that property declaration can’t be implemented as a constant property or a read-only computed property. If a property declaration includes only the get keyword, it can be implemented as any kind of property. For examples of conforming types that implement the property requirements of a protocol, see Property Requirements.

To declare a type property requirement in a protocol declaration, mark the property declaration with the static keyword. Structures and enumerations that conform to the protocol declare the property with the static keyword, and classes that conform to the protocol declare the property with either the static or class keyword. Extensions that add protocol conformance to a structure, enumeration, or class use the same keyword as the type they extend uses. Extensions that provide a default implementation for a type property requirement use the static keyword.

See also Variable Declaration.

Grammar of a protocol property declaration

protocol-property-declaration → variable-declaration-head variable-name type-annotation getter-setter-keyword-block

Protocol Method Declaration

Protocols declare that conforming types must implement a method by including a protocol method declaration in the body of the protocol declaration. Protocol method declarations have the same form as function declarations, with two exceptions: They don’t include a function body, and you can’t provide any default parameter values as part of the function declaration. For examples of conforming types that implement the method requirements of a protocol, see Method Requirements.

To declare a class or static method requirement in a protocol declaration, mark the method declaration with the static declaration modifier. Structures and enumerations that conform to the protocol declare the method with the static keyword, and classes that conform to the protocol declare the method with either the static or class keyword. Extensions that add protocol conformance to a structure, enumeration, or class use the same keyword as the type they extend uses. Extensions that provide a default implementation for a type method requirement use the static keyword.

See also Function Declaration.

Grammar of a protocol method declaration

protocol-method-declaration → function-head function-name generic-parameter-clause? function-signature generic-where-clause?

Protocol Initializer Declaration

Protocols declare that conforming types must implement an initializer by including a protocol initializer declaration in the body of the protocol declaration. Protocol initializer declarations have the same form as initializer declarations, except they don’t include the initializer’s body.

A conforming type can satisfy a nonfailable protocol initializer requirement by implementing a nonfailable initializer or an init! failable initializer. A conforming type can satisfy a failable protocol initializer requirement by implementing any kind of initializer.

When a class implements an initializer to satisfy a protocol’s initializer requirement, the initializer must be marked with the required declaration modifier if the class isn’t already marked with the final declaration modifier.

See also Initializer Declaration.

Grammar of a protocol initializer declaration

protocol-initializer-declaration → initializer-head generic-parameter-clause? parameter-clause throws? generic-where-clause?
protocol-initializer-declaration → initializer-head generic-parameter-clause? parameter-clause rethrows generic-where-clause?

Protocol Subscript Declaration

Protocols declare that conforming types must implement a subscript by including a protocol subscript declaration in the body of the protocol declaration. Protocol subscript declarations have a special form of a subscript declaration:

subscript (<#parameters#>) -> <#return type#> { get set }

Subscript declarations only declare the minimum getter and setter implementation requirements for types that conform to the protocol. If the subscript declaration includes both the get and set keywords, a conforming type must implement both a getter and a setter clause. If the subscript declaration includes only the get keyword, a conforming type must implement at least a getter clause and optionally can implement a setter clause.

To declare a static subscript requirement in a protocol declaration, mark the subscript declaration with the static declaration modifier. Structures and enumerations that conform to the protocol declare the subscript with the static keyword, and classes that conform to the protocol declare the subscript with either the static or class keyword. Extensions that add protocol conformance to a structure, enumeration, or class use the same keyword as the type they extend uses. Extensions that provide a default implementation for a static subscript requirement use the static keyword.

See also Subscript Declaration.

Grammar of a protocol subscript declaration

protocol-subscript-declaration → subscript-head subscript-result generic-where-clause? getter-setter-keyword-block

Protocol Associated Type Declaration

Protocols declare associated types using the associatedtype keyword. An associated type provides an alias for a type that’s used as part of a protocol’s declaration. Associated types are similar to type parameters in generic parameter clauses, but they’re associated with Self in the protocol in which they’re declared. In that context, Self refers to the eventual type that conforms to the protocol. For more information and examples, see Associated Types.

You use a generic where clause in a protocol declaration to add constraints to an associated types inherited from another protocol, without redeclaring the associated types. For example, the declarations of SubProtocol below are equivalent:

protocol SomeProtocol {
    associatedtype SomeType

protocol SubProtocolA: SomeProtocol {
    // This syntax produces a warning.
    associatedtype SomeType: Equatable

// This syntax is preferred.
protocol SubProtocolB: SomeProtocol where SomeType: Equatable { }

See also Type Alias Declaration.

Grammar of a protocol associated type declaration

protocol-associated-type-declaration → attributes? access-level-modifier? associatedtype typealias-name type-inheritance-clause? typealias-assignment? generic-where-clause?

Initializer Declaration

An initializer declaration introduces an initializer for a class, structure, or enumeration into your program. Initializer declarations are declared using the init keyword and have two basic forms.

Structure, enumeration, and class types can have any number of initializers, but the rules and associated behavior for class initializers are different. Unlike structures and enumerations, classes have two kinds of initializers: designated initializers and convenience initializers, as described in Initialization.

The following form declares initializers for structures, enumerations, and designated initializers of classes:

init(<#parameters#>) {

A designated initializer of a class initializes all of the class’s properties directly. It can’t call any other initializers of the same class, and if the class has a superclass, it must call one of the superclass’s designated initializers. If the class inherits any properties from its superclass, one of the superclass’s designated initializers must be called before any of these properties can be set or modified in the current class.

Designated initializers can be declared in the context of a class declaration only and therefore can’t be added to a class using an extension declaration.

Initializers in structures and enumerations can call other declared initializers to delegate part or all of the initialization process.

To declare convenience initializers for a class, mark the initializer declaration with the convenience declaration modifier.

convenience init(<#parameters#>) {

Convenience initializers can delegate the initialization process to another convenience initializer or to one of the class’s designated initializers. That said, the initialization processes must end with a call to a designated initializer that ultimately initializes the class’s properties. Convenience initializers can’t call a superclass’s initializers.

You can mark designated and convenience initializers with the required declaration modifier to require that every subclass implement the initializer. A subclass’s implementation of that initializer must also be marked with the required declaration modifier.

By default, initializers declared in a superclass aren’t inherited by subclasses. That said, if a subclass initializes all of its stored properties with default values and doesn’t define any initializers of its own, it inherits all of the superclass’s initializers. If the subclass overrides all of the superclass’s designated initializers, it inherits the superclass’s convenience initializers.

As with methods, properties, and subscripts, you need to mark overridden designated initializers with the override declaration modifier.


If you mark an initializer with the required declaration modifier, you don’t also mark the initializer with the override modifier when you override the required initializer in a subclass.

Just like functions and methods, initializers can throw or rethrow errors. And just like functions and methods, you use the throws or rethrows keyword after an initializer’s parameters to indicate the appropriate behavior. Likewise, initializers can be asynchronous, and you use the async keyword to indicate this.

To see examples of initializers in various type declarations, see Initialization.

Failable Initializers

failable initializer is a type of initializer that produces an optional instance or an implicitly unwrapped optional instance of the type the initializer is declared on. As a result, a failable initializer can return nil to indicate that initialization failed.

To declare a failable initializer that produces an optional instance, append a question mark to the init keyword in the initializer declaration (init?). To declare a failable initializer that produces an implicitly unwrapped optional instance, append an exclamation point instead (init!). The example below shows an init? failable initializer that produces an optional instance of a structure.

struct SomeStruct {
    let property: String
    // produces an optional instance of 'SomeStruct'
    init?(input: String) {
        if input.isEmpty {
            // discard 'self' and return 'nil'
            return nil
        property = input

You call an init? failable initializer in the same way that you call a nonfailable initializer, except that you must deal with the optionality of the result.

if let actualInstance = SomeStruct(input: "Hello") {
    // do something with the instance of 'SomeStruct'
} else {
    // initialization of 'SomeStruct' failed and the initializer returned 'nil'

A failable initializer can return nil at any point in the implementation of the initializer’s body.

A failable initializer can delegate to any kind of initializer. A nonfailable initializer can delegate to another nonfailable initializer or to an init! failable initializer. A nonfailable initializer can delegate to an init? failable initializer by force-unwrapping the result of the superclass’s initializer — for example, by writing super.init()!.

Initialization failure propagates through initializer delegation. Specifically, if a failable initializer delegates to an initializer that fails and returns nil, then the initializer that delegated also fails and implicitly returns nil. If a nonfailable initializer delegates to an init! failable initializer that fails and returns nil, then a runtime error is raised (as if you used the ! operator to unwrap an optional that has a nil value).

A failable designated initializer can be overridden in a subclass by any kind of designated initializer. A nonfailable designated initializer can be overridden in a subclass by a nonfailable designated initializer only.

For more information and to see examples of failable initializers, see Failable Initializers.

Grammar of an initializer declaration

initializer-declaration → initializer-head generic-parameter-clause? parameter-clause async? throws? generic-where-clause? initializer-body
initializer-declaration → initializer-head generic-parameter-clause? parameter-clause async? rethrows generic-where-clause? initializer-body
initializer-head → attributes? declaration-modifiers? init
initializer-head → attributes? declaration-modifiers? init ?
initializer-head → attributes? declaration-modifiers? init !
initializer-body → code-block

Deinitializer Declaration

deinitializer declaration declares a deinitializer for a class type. Deinitializers take no parameters and have the following form:

deinit {

A deinitializer is called automatically when there are no longer any references to a class object, just before the class object is deallocated. A deinitializer can be declared only in the body of a class declaration — but not in an extension of a class — and each class can have at most one.

A subclass inherits its superclass’s deinitializer, which is implicitly called just before the subclass object is deallocated. The subclass object isn’t deallocated until all deinitializers in its inheritance chain have finished executing.

Deinitializers aren’t called directly.

For an example of how to use a deinitializer in a class declaration, see Deinitialization.

Grammar of a deinitializer declaration

deinitializer-declaration → attributes? deinit code-block

Extension Declaration

An extension declaration allows you to extend the behavior of existing types. Extension declarations are declared using the extension keyword and have the following form:

extension <#type name#> where <#requirements#> {

The body of an extension declaration contains zero or more declarations. These declarations can include computed properties, computed type properties, instance methods, type methods, initializers, subscript declarations, and even class, structure, and enumeration declarations. Extension declarations can’t contain deinitializer or protocol declarations, stored properties, property observers, or other extension declarations. Declarations in a protocol extension can’t be marked final. For a discussion and several examples of extensions that include various kinds of declarations, see Extensions.

If the type name is a class, structure, or enumeration type, the extension extends that type. If the type name is a protocol type, the extension extends all types that conform to that protocol.

Extension declarations that extend a generic type or a protocol with associated types can include requirements. If an instance of the extended type or of a type that conforms to the extended protocol satisfies the requirements, the instance gains the behavior specified in the declaration.

Extension declarations can contain initializer declarations. That said, if the type you’re extending is defined in another module, an initializer declaration must delegate to an initializer already defined in that module to ensure members of that type are properly initialized.

Properties, methods, and initializers of an existing type can’t be overridden in an extension of that type.

Extension declarations can add protocol conformance to an existing class, structure, or enumeration type by specifying adopted protocols:

extension <#type name#>: <#adopted protocols#> where <#requirements#> {

Extension declarations can’t add class inheritance to an existing class, and therefore you can specify only a list of protocols after the type name and colon.

Conditional Conformance

You can extend a generic type to conditionally conform to a protocol, so that instances of the type conform to the protocol only when certain requirements are met. You add conditional conformance to a protocol by including requirements in an extension declaration.

Overridden Requirements Aren’t Used in Some Generic Contexts

In some generic contexts, types that get behavior from conditional conformance to a protocol don’t always use the specialized implementations of that protocol’s requirements. To illustrate this behavior, the following example defines two protocols and a generic type that conditionally conforms to both protocols.

protocol Loggable {
    func log()
extension Loggable {
    func log() {

protocol TitledLoggable: Loggable {
    static var logTitle: String { get }
extension TitledLoggable {
    func log() {
        print("\(Self.logTitle): \(self)")

struct Pair<T>: CustomStringConvertible {
    let first: T
    let second: T
    var description: String {
        return "(\(first), \(second))"

extension Pair: Loggable where T: Loggable { }
extension Pair: TitledLoggable where T: TitledLoggable {
    static var logTitle: String {
        return "Pair of '\(T.logTitle)'"

extension String: TitledLoggable {
    static var logTitle: String {
        return "String"

The Pair structure conforms to Loggable and TitledLoggable whenever its generic type conforms to Loggable or TitledLoggable, respectively. In the example below, oneAndTwo is an instance of Pair<String>, which conforms to TitledLoggable because String conforms to TitledLoggable. When the log() method is called on oneAndTwo directly, the specialized version containing the title string is used.

let oneAndTwo = Pair(first: "one", second: "two")
// Prints "Pair of 'String': (one, two)"

However, when oneAndTwo is used in a generic context or as an instance of the Loggable protocol, the specialized version isn’t used. Swift picks which implementation of log() to call by consulting only the minimum requirements that Pair needs to conform to Loggable. For this reason, the default implementation provided by the Loggable protocol is used instead.

func doSomething<T: Loggable>(with x: T) {
doSomething(with: oneAndTwo)
// Prints "(one, two)"

When log() is called on the instance that’s passed to doSomething(_:), the customized title is omitted from the logged string.

Protocol Conformance Must Not Be Redundant

A concrete type can conform to a particular protocol only once. Swift marks redundant protocol conformances as an error. You’re likely to encounter this kind of error in two kinds of situations. The first situation is when you explicitly conform to the same protocol multiple times, but with different requirements. The second situation is when you implicitly inherit from the same protocol multiple times. These situations are discussed in the sections below.

Resolving Explicit Redundancy

Multiple extensions on a concrete type can’t add conformance to the same protocol, even if the extensions’ requirements are mutually exclusive. This restriction is demonstrated in the example below. Two extension declarations attempt to add conditional conformance to the Serializable protocol, one for arrays with Int elements, and one for arrays with String elements.

protocol Serializable {
    func serialize() -> Any

extension Array: Serializable where Element == Int {
    func serialize() -> Any {
        // implementation
extension Array: Serializable where Element == String {
    func serialize() -> Any {
        // implementation
// Error: redundant conformance of 'Array<Element>' to protocol 'Serializable'

If you need to add conditional conformance based on multiple concrete types, create a new protocol that each type can conform to and use that protocol as the requirement when declaring conditional conformance.

protocol SerializableInArray { }
extension Int: SerializableInArray { }
extension String: SerializableInArray { }

extension Array: Serializable where Element: SerializableInArray {
    func serialize() -> Any {
        // implementation

Resolving Implicit Redundancy

When a concrete type conditionally conforms to a protocol, that type implicitly conforms to any parent protocols with the same requirements.

If you need a type to conditionally conform to two protocols that inherit from a single parent, explicitly declare conformance to the parent protocol. This avoids implicitly conforming to the parent protocol twice with different requirements.

The following example explicitly declares the conditional conformance of Array to Loggable to avoid a conflict when declaring its conditional conformance to both TitledLoggable and the new MarkedLoggable protocol.

protocol MarkedLoggable: Loggable {
    func markAndLog()

extension MarkedLoggable {
    func markAndLog() {

extension Array: Loggable where Element: Loggable { }
extension Array: TitledLoggable where Element: TitledLoggable {
    static var logTitle: String {
        return "Array of '\(Element.logTitle)'"
extension Array: MarkedLoggable where Element: MarkedLoggable { }

Without the extension to explicitly declare conditional conformance to Loggable, the other Array extensions would implicitly create these declarations, resulting in an error:

extension Array: Loggable where Element: TitledLoggable { }
extension Array: Loggable where Element: MarkedLoggable { }
// Error: redundant conformance of 'Array<Element>' to protocol 'Loggable'

Grammar of an extension declaration

extension-declaration → attributes? access-level-modifier? extension type-identifier type-inheritance-clause? generic-where-clause? extension-body
extension-body → { extension-members? }

extension-members → extension-member extension-members?
extension-member → declaration | compiler-control-statement

Subscript Declaration

subscript declaration allows you to add subscripting support for objects of a particular type and are typically used to provide a convenient syntax for accessing the elements in a collection, list, or sequence. Subscript declarations are declared using the subscript keyword and have the following form:

subscript (<#parameters#>) -> <#return type#> {
   get {
   set(<#setter name#>) {

Subscript declarations can appear only in the context of a class, structure, enumeration, extension, or protocol declaration.

The parameters specify one or more indexes used to access elements of the corresponding type in a subscript expression (for example, the i in the expression object[i]). Although the indexes used to access the elements can be of any type, each parameter must include a type annotation to specify the type of each index. The return type specifies the type of the element being accessed.

As with computed properties, subscript declarations support reading and writing the value of the accessed elements. The getter is used to read the value, and the setter is used to write the value. The setter clause is optional, and when only a getter is needed, you can omit both clauses and simply return the requested value directly. That said, if you provide a setter clause, you must also provide a getter clause.

The setter name and enclosing parentheses are optional. If you provide a setter name, it’s used as the name of the parameter to the setter. If you don’t provide a setter name, the default parameter name to the setter is value. The type of the parameter to the setter is the same as the return type.

You can overload a subscript declaration in the type in which it’s declared, as long as the parameters or the return type differ from the one you’re overloading. You can also override a subscript declaration inherited from a superclass. When you do so, you must mark the overridden subscript declaration with the override declaration modifier.

Subscript parameters follow the same rules as function parameters, with two exceptions. By default, the parameters used in subscripting don’t have argument labels, unlike functions, methods, and initializers. However, you can provide explicit argument labels using the same syntax that functions, methods, and initializers use. In addition, subscripts can’t have in-out parameters. A subscript parameter can have a default value, using the syntax described in Special Kinds of Parameters.

You can also declare subscripts in the context of a protocol declaration, as described in Protocol Subscript Declaration.

For more information about subscripting and to see examples of subscript declarations, see Subscripts.

Type Subscript Declarations

To declare a subscript that’s exposed by the type, rather than by instances of the type, mark the subscript declaration with the static declaration modifier. Classes can mark type computed properties with the class declaration modifier instead to allow subclasses to override the superclass’s implementation. In a class declaration, the static keyword has the same effect as marking the declaration with both the class and final declaration modifiers.

Grammar of a subscript declaration

subscript-declaration → subscript-head subscript-result generic-where-clause? code-block
subscript-declaration → subscript-head subscript-result generic-where-clause? getter-setter-block
subscript-declaration → subscript-head subscript-result generic-where-clause? getter-setter-keyword-block
subscript-head → attributes? declaration-modifiers? subscript generic-parameter-clause? parameter-clause
subscript-result → -> attributes? type

Macro Declaration

macro declaration introduces a new macro. It begins with the macro keyword and has the following form:

macro <#name#> = <#macro implementation#>

The macro implementation is another macro, and indicates the location of the code that performs this macro’s expansion. The code that performs macro expansion is a separate Swift program, that uses the SwiftSyntax( module to interact with Swift code. Call the externalMacro(module:type:) macro from the Swift standard library, passing in the name of a type that contains the macro’s implementation, and the name of the module that contains that type.

Macros can be overloaded, following the same model used by functions. A macro declaration appears only at file scope.

For an overview of macros in Swift, see Macros.

Grammar of a macro declaration

macro-declaration → macro-head identifier generic-parameter-clause? macro-signature macro-definition? generic-where-clause
macro-head → attributes? declaration-modifiers? macro
macro-signature → parameter-clause macro-function-signature-result?
macro-function-signature-result → -> type
macro-definition → = expression

Operator Declaration

An operator declaration introduces a new infix, prefix, or postfix operator into your program and is declared using the operator keyword.

You can declare operators of three different fixities: infix, prefix, and postfix. The fixity of an operator specifies the relative position of an operator to its operands.

There are three basic forms of an operator declaration, one for each fixity. The fixity of the operator is specified by marking the operator declaration with the infixprefix, or postfix declaration modifier before the operator keyword. In each form, the name of the operator can contain only the operator characters defined in Operators.

The following form declares a new infix operator:

infix operator <#operator name#>: <#precedence group#>

An infix operator is a binary operator that’s written between its two operands, such as the familiar addition operator (+) in the expression 1 + 2.

Infix operators can optionally specify a precedence group. If you omit the precedence group for an operator, Swift uses the default precedence group, DefaultPrecedence, which specifies a precedence just higher than TernaryPrecedence. For more information, see Precedence Group Declaration.

The following form declares a new prefix operator:

prefix operator <#operator name#>

prefix operator is a unary operator that’s written immediately before its operand, such as the prefix logical NOT operator (!) in the expression !a.

Prefix operators declarations don’t specify a precedence level. Prefix operators are nonassociative.

The following form declares a new postfix operator:

postfix operator <#operator name#>

postfix operator is a unary operator that’s written immediately after its operand, such as the postfix forced-unwrap operator (!) in the expression a!.

As with prefix operators, postfix operator declarations don’t specify a precedence level. Postfix operators are nonassociative.

After declaring a new operator, you implement it by declaring a static method that has the same name as the operator. The static method is a member of one of the types whose values the operator takes as an argument — for example, an operator that multiplies a Double by an Int is implemented as a static method on either the Double or Int structure. If you’re implementing a prefix or postfix operator, you must also mark that method declaration with the corresponding prefix or postfix declaration modifier. To see an example of how to create and implement a new operator, see Custom Operators.

Grammar of an operator declaration

operator-declaration → prefix-operator-declaration | postfix-operator-declaration | infix-operator-declaration

prefix-operator-declaration → prefix operator operator
postfix-operator-declaration → postfix operator operator
infix-operator-declaration → infix operator operator infix-operator-group?

infix-operator-group → : precedence-group-name

Precedence Group Declaration

precedence group declaration introduces a new grouping for infix operator precedence into your program. The precedence of an operator specifies how tightly the operator binds to its operands, in the absence of grouping parentheses.

A precedence group declaration has the following form:

precedencegroup <#precedence group name#> {
    higherThan: <#lower group names#>
    lowerThan: <#higher group names#>
    associativity: <#associativity#>
    assignment: <#assignment#>

The lower group names and higher group names lists specify the new precedence group’s relation to existing precedence groups. The lowerThan precedence group attribute may only be used to refer to precedence groups declared outside of the current module. When two operators compete with each other for their operands, such as in the expression 2 + 3 * 5, the operator with the higher relative precedence binds more tightly to its operands.


Precedence groups related to each other using lower group names and higher group names must fit into a single relational hierarchy, but they don’t have to form a linear hierarchy. This means it’s possible to have precedence groups with undefined relative precedence. Operators from those precedence groups can’t be used next to each other without grouping parentheses.

Swift defines numerous precedence groups to go along with the operators provided by the Swift standard library. For example, the addition (+) and subtraction (-) operators belong to the AdditionPrecedence group, and the multiplication (*) and division (/) operators belong to the MultiplicationPrecedence group. For a complete list of precedence groups provided by the Swift standard library, see Operator Declarations(

The associativity of an operator specifies how a sequence of operators with the same precedence level are grouped together in the absence of grouping parentheses. You specify the associativity of an operator by writing one of the context-sensitive keywords leftright, or none — if your omit the associativity, the default is none. Operators that are left-associative group left-to-right. For example, the subtraction operator (-) is left-associative, so the expression 4 - 5 - 6 is grouped as (4 - 5) - 6 and evaluates to -7. Operators that are right-associative group right-to-left, and operators that are specified with an associativity of none don’t associate at all. Nonassociative operators of the same precedence level can’t appear adjacent to each to other. For example, the < operator has an associativity of none, which means 1 < 2 < 3 isn’t a valid expression.

The assignment of a precedence group specifies the precedence of an operator when used in an operation that includes optional chaining. When set to true, an operator in the corresponding precedence group uses the same grouping rules during optional chaining as the assignment operators from the Swift standard library. Otherwise, when set to false or omitted, operators in the precedence group follows the same optional chaining rules as operators that don’t perform assignment.

Grammar of a precedence group declaration

precedence-group-declaration → precedencegroup precedence-group-name { precedence-group-attributes? }

precedence-group-attributes → precedence-group-attribute precedence-group-attributes?
precedence-group-attribute → precedence-group-relation
precedence-group-attribute → precedence-group-assignment
precedence-group-attribute → precedence-group-associativity

precedence-group-relation → higherThan : precedence-group-names
precedence-group-relation → lowerThan : precedence-group-names

precedence-group-assignment → assignment : boolean-literal

precedence-group-associativity → associativity : left
precedence-group-associativity → associativity : right
precedence-group-associativity → associativity : none

precedence-group-names → precedence-group-name | precedence-group-name , precedence-group-names
precedence-group-name → identifier

Declaration Modifiers

Declaration modifiers are keywords or context-sensitive keywords that modify the behavior or meaning of a declaration. You specify a declaration modifier by writing the appropriate keyword or context-sensitive keyword between a declaration’s attributes (if any) and the keyword that introduces the declaration.


Apply this modifier to a member of a class to indicate that the member is a member of the class itself, rather than a member of instances of the class. Members of a superclass that have this modifier and don’t have the final modifier can be overridden by subclasses.


Apply this modifier to any member of a class that can be represented by Objective-C. When you mark a member declaration with the dynamic modifier, access to that member is always dynamically dispatched using the Objective-C runtime. Access to that member is never inlined or devirtualized by the compiler.

Because declarations marked with the dynamic modifier are dispatched using the Objective-C runtime, they must be marked with the objc attribute.


Apply this modifier to a class or to a property, method, or subscript member of a class. It’s applied to a class to indicate that the class can’t be subclassed. It’s applied to a property, method, or subscript of a class to indicate that a class member can’t be overridden in any subclass. For an example of how to use the final attribute, see Preventing Overrides.

Apply this modifier to a stored variable property of a class or structure to indicate that the property’s initial value is calculated and stored at most once, when the property is first accessed. For an example of how to use the lazy modifier, see Lazy Stored Properties.


Apply this modifier to a protocol’s property, method, or subscript members to indicate that a conforming type isn’t required to implement those members.

You can apply the optional modifier only to protocols that are marked with the objc attribute. As a result, only class types can adopt and conform to a protocol that contains optional member requirements. For more information about how to use the optional modifier and for guidance about how to access optional protocol members — for example, when you’re not sure whether a conforming type implements them — see Optional Protocol Requirements.


Apply this modifier to a designated or convenience initializer of a class to indicate that every subclass must implement that initializer. The subclass’s implementation of that initializer must also be marked with the required modifier.


Apply this modifier to a member of a structure, class, enumeration, or protocol to indicate that the member is a member of the type, rather than a member of instances of that type. In the scope of a class declaration, writing the static modifier on a member declaration has the same effect as writing the class and final modifiers on that member declaration. However, constant type properties of a class are an exception: static has its normal, nonclass meaning there because you can’t write class or final on those declarations.


Apply this modifier to a stored variable, constant, or stored property to indicate that the variable or property has an unowned reference to the object stored as its value. If you try to access the variable or property after the object has been deallocated, a runtime error is raised. Like a weak reference, the type of the property or value must be a class type; unlike a weak reference, the type is non-optional. For an example and more information about the unowned modifier, see Unowned References.


An explicit spelling of unowned.


Apply this modifier to a stored variable, constant, or stored property to indicate that the variable or property has an unowned reference to the object stored as its value. If you try to access the variable or property after the object has been deallocated, you’ll access the memory at the location where the object used to be, which is a memory-unsafe operation. Like a weak reference, the type of the property or value must be a class type; unlike a weak reference, the type is non-optional. For an example and more information about the unowned modifier, see Unowned References.weak


Apply this modifier to a stored variable or stored variable property to indicate that the variable or property has a weak reference to the object stored as its value. The type of the variable or property must be an optional class type. If you access the variable or property after the object has been deallocated, its value is nil. For an example and more information about the weak modifier, see Weak References.

Access Control Levels

Swift provides five levels of access control: open, public, internal, file private, and private. You can mark a declaration with one of the access-level modifiers below to specify the declaration’s access level. Access control is discussed in detail in Access Control.

Apply this modifier to a declaration to indicate the declaration can be accessed and subclassed by code in the same module as the declaration. Declarations marked with the open access-level modifier can also be accessed and subclassed by code in a module that imports the module that contains that declaration.

Apply this modifier to a declaration to indicate the declaration can be accessed and subclassed by code in the same module as the declaration. Declarations marked with the public access-level modifier can also be accessed (but not subclassed) by code in a module that imports the module that contains that declaration.

Apply this modifier to a declaration to indicate the declaration can be accessed only by code in the same module as the declaration. By default, most declarations are implicitly marked with the internal access-level modifier.

Apply this modifier to a declaration to indicate the declaration can be accessed only by code in the same source file as the declaration.

Apply this modifier to a declaration to indicate the declaration can be accessed only by code within the declaration’s immediate enclosing scope.

For the purpose of access control, extensions to the same type that are in the same file share an access-control scope. If the type they extend is also in the same file, they share the type’s access-control scope. Private members declared in the type’s declaration can be accessed from extensions, and private members declared in one extension can be accessed from other extensions and from the type’s declaration.

Each access-level modifier above optionally accepts a single argument, which consists of the set keyword enclosed in parentheses (for example, private(set)). Use this form of an access-level modifier when you want to specify an access level for the setter of a variable or subscript that’s less than or equal to the access level of the variable or subscript itself, as discussed in Getters and Setters.

Grammar of a declaration modifier

declaration-modifier → class | convenience | dynamic | final | infix | lazy | optional | override | postfix | prefix | required | static | unowned | unowned ( safe ) | unowned ( unsafe ) | weak
declaration-modifier → access-level-modifier
declaration-modifier → mutation-modifier
declaration-modifier → actor-isolation-modifier
declaration-modifiers → declaration-modifier declaration-modifiers?

access-level-modifier → private | private ( set )
access-level-modifier → fileprivate | fileprivate ( set )
access-level-modifier → internal | internal ( set )
access-level-modifier → public | public ( set )
access-level-modifier → open | open ( set )

mutation-modifier → mutating | nonmutating

actor-isolation-modifier → nonisolated